Labels:daily | earth | fence | grass | road | rock | sand | sky | stairs | water OCR: ich I felt sssured of gave Ie eyes of God were upon me for a mO ent, book ors the most intolerable anguisk ntion from myself, flash from com ipanion stole sway IIY mind immedistely. andI said hell seemed to be thrown 1111 things to ile who damned?" within myself "W hat are the altogether, and every AEM In a MES myself 3111 ipse the mercy of God in Jesus sinner, but I 5aw not yet Christ. artillery of Satan had not yet The capital engine 117 all eady overwhel lmed with despair, been emploved against me: IT1 to the gulf. This SEM was not vet sunk into the ho cordingly set to inquire season for the use eves moment intol lerable snguis tion KEMB ITly simner overwhe loved sgainst